Sometimes I forget I study at the London College of Fashion.
The first term of uninspiring project work (the notorious ISHE) and banal journalism basics lectures combined with a burgeoning homesickness and feelings of not quite fitting in, culminated in a strange disconfidence with my chosen path.
I loved my course, I loved London, I loved the people I had met, but something wasn't quite right. A certain satisfaction was missing. Was I really part of a world-famous 'fashion' college?
Embarking on a fresh new term this week, this feeling has shifted. The uncertainty which bubbled beneath my surface has begun to dissipate.
First day of term hit me with a failed alarm and knocks at my door 20 minutes before I had to leave. I thanked my inner organisation for packing my bag, and laying out my clothes the night before, whilst pulling on those lush TopShop clogs: fresh term, fresh new-year new-confident tall me..
The Cultural and Historical Studies unit we were introduced to that day ignited an enthusiasm for my degree which burned brighter throughout the week as we were briefed on the second unit; Research for Journalism. A visual communication unit based on the analysis of a chosen trend, we are to explore and research creatively. Using scissors, pritt sticks, and a whole lotta dreaming.
After a first term grappling with Macs and Final Cut Pro, this came as a happy and much welcomed relief.
I felt again that wonderfully sadistic feeling of standing on the brink, and leaping head first into a project: fearful of the unknown and the complete lack of knowing what you the hell you're going to do. I love that feeling, because at that point there is complete freedom. You can do anything. And you don't worry, because eventually anything will be something.
So, if you couldn't guess. I am very very happy to be back.
During a Fashion Studies lecture yesterday, studying the early greats Worth Poiret and Vionnet, I realised I was in a room of people who shared the exact same passion as me.
I was at the London College of Fashion.
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